Thursday 29 November 2018


I want my script to show the beginning of life, or it could be interpreted at the end. A beautiful scene of nature, either woodlands with sun pouring through the branches in the autumn time or the sunset over the ocean. A women and man will be watching and sitting on the floor as the sun sets and turns into night.

The woman and man will be unnamed and will reach out to the audience and speak about how life is beautiful but also deadly. They want to run away.

Glowing lights (torches) will swarm around her and she will

Adam And Eve - 2:16 - 17
Story of Adam and Eve

Monday 5 November 2018

Experimental Film - Idea

"What's Wrong?"  -  Script
  • People who are distracted by meaningless things from what is really important in society to me
  • People who are put into categories in society and how their futures are set in stone
  • Pollution, Technology, Beauty Standards, Death

Hands painted brightly in certain ways in which they're suffering

  1. Pollution - Black (like tar and death)
  2. Technology - Blue (electronic)
  3. Beauty Standards - Pink (woman standing still with train-tracks outlining a smaller one shot by shot - put a chocolate in mouth and face fill up with pink)
  4. Death - No Paint (nothingness of death - all different colours in tank reversed to symbolise the removal of identity and to cleanse the world and society)

Costume of Woman:

When polluted and dead: long white dress with black streaming from her eyes and hands are all black
When objectified: glamorous makeup and clothing with pink on one hand and blue on the other. Train tracks mark a smaller, more 'perfect' body
When obsessed: dressed in typical clothing of a young person 

Intro: All One Shot
Analysis (Why?) - This scene includes foreshadowing into the future and of what happens to the people who have influences by their parents and how it can effect the world in time. The white background represents the purity of children when they are born and the glass case filled with water represents children's future and how they are kept in a boxlike manner. The water represents the children themselves and how their world and future are vast and ever-changing, however they could be manipulated and a deep depression of their future could form. From this, as the droplet of black paint is dropped into the water, the audience is shown the darkness of the world and peers that pollutes their future, hence the older woman crying and black paint covering her hands and eyes.
  1. -White background with a glass case filled with water ( pan from the ceiling to the glass case making sure to show equipment used )
  2. -Zoom towards the glass case and add a black droplet of paint (slow motion) 
  3. -Flash shot the polluted women zooming in on her while the black is spreading
  4. -Black out.

Scene 1: Obsessed
Analysis (Why?) - Always looking at the camera

  1. -With a black background a teenage girl is shown to be standing still laughing into the camera ( mid-shot from the waist upwards )
  2. -An adults face is shown to be laughing painted white with black liner and red lips ( close-up shot )
  3. -Shoots back to teenage girl laughing ( mid-shot )
  4. -Shoots to the adult with a grim look on their face, showing teeth like an animal ( extreme close-up )
  5. -The glass case is shown with no paint and a blue droplet is dropped into the water
  6. -Goes to the girl with a blank face, then quickly starts to cry and slowly turn away from the camera ( mid-shot of the girl )
  7. -Raised hand up to the sky and swings down ( Close-up shot )
  8. -Phone falls to the ground and is picked up by girls hand ( Close-up shot )
  9. -Girl with sad eyes and smile raises the phone through the middle to cover her face ( Mid-shot )

Scene 2: Objectified
Analysis (Why?)

  1. -Phone pings on a desk in room with a girl in the blurred out background choosing an outfit. She then looks at the phone and walks to pick it up ( Shallow focus, close up shot of the phone ) ( Pictures of models on the walls )
  2. -She smiles, looking down at her phone standing in the rays of the sun coming through window  ( Mid-shot of her from the waist upwards )
  3. -Curtains are now closed and she looks up in terror ( Close-up shot of phone )
  4. -Girl walks from her room down the hall with phone in hand ( Mid-shot of behind the girl, panning from her shoes to her head )